Art as a tool for connecting with your emotional world

Art in all of its forms can be an extremely powerful tool in the process of unleashing darkness and healing the emotional body. I am sharing below some of the pieces of art that I've created lately and posted on SM a few months ago. For the response I've got from those posts, it seems to me that they somehow tapped into the collective unconscious as they represent emotional archetypes of the human psyche.  They are "beings" that we might have embodied at any point in our life. I think they are worth to be re-shared in here.

This is one way to channeling emotions and connecting with that inner world. If this art resonates with you and you feel inspired, I invite you to create your own. You don't need to be good at drawing, you just need to sit down with some painting material and try.
These are my very own creations, I hope you enjoy them!
Thank you very much for reading and please feel free to share my blog if you think it can be useful to others!

"My emotional beings"

"I am riding a dark wave creatively speaking and I am letting it flow. It is taking courage to let this darkness come out and to share it with others, but its been so healing to do so. I have been giving shape to some of the elementary and hidden characters who (too) form part of my own personality and emotional body. The reason I am bringing this dark beings into light, is because I want to embrace them, to own them and to make a place in my heart for them" -20 August 2017-

"Her name is "Grief" and she is an important part in the process of transformation. Probably this one of my masterpieces".

"This Lion represents the integration of the polarities in the human personality, which brings about assertiveness, strength and inner power. Yoga philosophy acknowledges the pair of opposites as "Raga" (attraction) and "Dvesha" (aversion). Patanjali describes them as the third and fourth afflictions of the human psique (PYS II.3).
Life is a beautiful gift that comes with pleasure and pain. When we attempt to split this pair of opposites by denying one or becoming too attached to the other, one thing is certain: We will deny our inner power and become bounded to suffering.
In contrast, inner integration of the lights and shadows of our own personality can make us whole and complete and hopefully, it helps developing a x-ray vision that breaks through illusions and sees beyond the dualities of life".

"This one is called "Raging" and he is a visceral being".

"This guy is "Judge". He is a mental being and he has an incredible sense of smell with which he can detect other's emotions, specially the fear. He doesn't have ears, which make him unable to hear the needs of others and as you can see from the crack in his chest, he is not in touch with his heart".

"This guy is "Irrational Fear". His mind tends to magnify perception and he often overreacts. He is holding a knife, which makes him looks scary, however he is a good guy".


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